Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oct ACC Newsletter

Alaska Christian College...
A Family Tradition 

Darren grew up in the small city of Dillingham (known as Curyung in Yup'ik) with a big family. His family was Russian Orthodox and as a young child they attended that church, although he says he remembers only going on holidays. As an elementary school student he went to Sunday school at the Moravian church.  That is where he was introduced to the Tanalian bible camp.  He has been going there from third grade all the way through high school. It was at Tanalian that he came to know God personally, beginning his relationship with Christ in 6th grade. 

During that last year of camp he was introduced to Alaska Christian College. "I didn't think about it until a year later. My cousin came to ACC in 2009 and she came back after the first semester and tried to convince me to come. She kept asking me to come over and over, until finally I decided to give it a try. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it, but I ended up loving it here."

Darren is now starting his second year at ACC. He has dreams of pursuing a business degree after he graduates from ACC. When asked what he likes most about ACC, Darren pauses to find the right words. "ACC is a close community. It's more than just school- it's family."

When a student decides to come to ACC, it can change not only that student, but their whole family, and even their entire village. Your giving enables our ACC to make a difference in villages all over Alaska. Quyana!

Darren from Dillingham, Alaska
The Fall 2013 Student Body of ACC- Our largest class in history!
ACC Vision Dinner

Saturday, October 28 
Changepoint Church
Anchorage, Alaska


With classes well underway, students studying is a common sight around campus
Prayer Requests
  • Please continue to pray for retention!
  • Pray for the upcoming Vision Dinner
  • Pray for our students who are beginning to feel the pressure of being away from the village and everything they have ever known
Students work in the Northern Light Classroom

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35109 Royal Place
Soldotna, Alaska

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